Helping individuals and families Renew their Health and Wellness through the natural healing of EDS since 2003.

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Brittany Athman, Cnhp

“Working in an EDS and natural health environment since 2014 has changed my life!”

Brittany Athman, C.N.H.P./Owner

Electro Dermal Screening Technician


Bachelors degree in Psychology from the University of Northwestern

​Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)

Thoughts From Brittany:

“When I started out as the Office Manager in 2014, it quickly became clear that I was passionate about EDS and it was what I wanted to pursue. Using my Bachelor of Science, my love for helping people, and interest in alternative natural health - EDS is the career of my dreams. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each individual on their journey back to health. I have been able to help people with many different symptoms, such as digestive issues, tremors, lack of energy, sleep issues, hormones, and more, which have been negatively impacting their daily lives. I am so grateful for the insight EDS gives and figuring out what life changes can be made along the way. I love how individualized and personalized the process is and that I am able to make a life-long difference!”

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clayton athman, CNP

“I've witnessed the positive impact of EDS on myself and others, and I am excited to utilize it to help clients achieve their wellness goals.”

clayton athman, C.N.P./Owner


Certificate in Naturopathy (C.N.P.)

Studied at University of Northwestern & St. Cloud State University

Thoughts From clayton:

“I have grown up around EDS and it has been a very big part of my life. My mom, Carol Athman, started this business when I was in High School and she had been doing EDS several years prior to that. I have seen first hand the success that it can have in helping myself, and those closest to me. I have really enjoyed getting to know my clients, and I am so excited to continue to learn and help them reach their personal wellness goals.”

Jennifer Ludlow, CNHP

“I love helping others find health and happiness through natural wellness.”

jennifer Ludlow, C.N.H.P.


Bachelor of Science in Communication from MSUM

Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)

Thoughts From jennifer:

“I got started with EDS to help my daughter with epilepsy. After seeing great progress with her, our whole family started coming to Renew. I loved seeing the progress within my family and wanted to be able to share that with more people. I enjoy exploring new natural health solutions and empowering others to take control of their well-being.”

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Carla swanson, CNHP

“I love working with our clients and helping them find a path to health and wellness.”

CARLA swanson, C.N.H.P.

Electro Dermal Screening Technician

Thoughts From CARLA:

“After years of struggling with chronic pain and debilitating symptoms that no treatment seemed to resolve, I knew there had to be better options. I am incredibly grateful for being introduced to Electrodermal Screening, which became a vital tool in improving my health and that of my family. My experience inspired me to change my career path, as I felt called to help others in their healing journey. I am honored to support individuals, who like me, have faced challenges in finding solutions to their health concerns.

I have been able to help my clients, by using tools like nutritional and methylation balancing, detoxification of harmful free radicals, and calming the nervous system to allow the body and brain to heal as it was designed. With years of experience, I bring a wealth of knowledge to my clients and find great joy in helping others feel their best. ”

Renew Health & wellness EDS Practitioners in Saint Cloud, Minnesota